Van-Daaz's Diamond Explorer TM
increase the flexibility of your choice and to be able to discover unexpected
values--define a slightly wider range of parameters than you first intended:
one more grade of color or clarity, above or below your original preference,
a few points larger or smaller weight range (we recommend +/- 0.09 Crt.)...
After all-- you may miss a great diamond a sheere 2 Carat-points smaller, or,
one that happened to be one color grade lower yet with one clarity grade higher
etc.... Enjoy your exploration!
an alphabetic 'key-to-symbols' for the results produced by our "Diamond Explorer")
We invite our Canadian friends to use our "Canadian
Diamond~Explorer" ; To do so--please select the flag. For Canadian-mined
diamonds-- the latest rage!-- write to us!
Our Diamond
Purchase Customization Form is a good idea if even our "Diamond Explorer"
does not return the sought and hoped for diamond. This is true, in particular,
for Very Large Diamonds (over 7 Carats). If in need--do not hesitate to try
All diamonds ordered from within
the US are US sourced, handled & shipped. Payment is also within the US, in
US Dollars. No customs or duties involved.
Now you can have your peace of mind by affecting a safe
diamond purchase on the 'NET' by shopping Van-Daaz"--read
all about it!
No Sales Taxes apply ! (except for Canada); No extra duties &
excise (except, again, in Canada--please inquire); All prices US Dollars denominated.
All shipments are "Next Day Air" category via Fed Ex ,
fully insured, subsequent to payment clearing, and you may track your shipment
on line using your Fed Ex Waybill number (all and exact details are
provided in our comprehensive correspondence).
Alphabetic legend
to table-abbreviations: A: "AD" or "ADTNL"
or a similar abbreviation="Additional" (in comments section), B:
"B" or "BL"=Blue (in Fluorescence), "B" (in girdle make:)
Bruted-- The girdle is in diamond's natural state, unpolished; Common in Europe.C:
"Cart"=Carat, "CLA"=Clarity, "Col"=Color, "CLDS" (or similar)=Cloud
(in comments section), "catalog"=for our internal use, CA, or CRA= "Crown Angles"
(in comments), "Cul"=Culet, D: "Dep"=Depth
"DMND DSS", "DSSR", "DOSSE" "DOSSIE" or a similar abbreviation=A new GIA grading
report ("certificate") format, "the Diamond Dossier", which does not include
detailed plotting of the blemishes but provides identifiability, instead, through
grading-report- number inscription on the diamond's girdle, E:
"EX" or, "X"=Excellent/exceptional (in Cut) or Extremely
(in Girdle thickness), F: "F" or "FL"
or "Flo"=Fluorescence; "F" in Cut=Fair; "F" as a fluorescence modifier=Faint
(also "Fnt"), "F" in Girdle=Faceted, "FY", "FAY", "FBR", "FLY", "FAD" or other
2-3 letter combination under 'Color' in Colored Diamond Search=Fancy Color;
Usually 'Y' stands for 'Yellow', 'D' or 'DA' for 'Dark', 'BR' for 'Brown, 'L'
for 'Light' etc. Please ask when unclear, G: "G" or "GD"="Good" (in Cut), I:
"ID" or, "I"=Ideal (in AGS reports; One grade above 'Excellent' and used only
for strictly defined 'Ideal Cut' diamonds, "INS" or "INSCRT" or, "INSCRPTN"
etc.=GIA certificate number laser-inscribed on girdle for extra security, K: "K"=Thick (in Girdle), L:
"Lab"=The grading laboratory, M: "M" or
"MD" or "Med"=Medium (in Cut, Culet size, Fluorescence or Girdle-make), "Measures"=Measurements
in millimeters of diameter (widest-narrowest in round), width-length (in fancy
shapes) followed by total height of the diamond, N:
"N" or "NO"= No (in Culet or Fluorescence); "N"=Thin (in Girdle), "NS", "N.S.",
"N/S" or "N-S"=Not-Showing (in comments section), P: "P"=Pointy (in Culet type); Poor (in Cut),
"Pol"=Polish (--Polish/Symmetry="Cut"), "PP"=Pinpoints, S:
"S"=Small (in Culet size) or Strong (in Fluorescence), "SL"=Slightly (in Girdle
as in "SLTK"=Slightly Thick), "Sym"=Symmetry (--Polish/Symmetry="Cut"), T: "Tbl"=Table, "TK"=Thick (in Girdle), "TN" or,
"THN"=Thin (in Girdle), V: "V"=Very (as in VG, VGD=Very Good, VS=Very
Small Culet or Very Strong Fluorescence etc.), X:
"X" (or, "Ex")=Extra in Girdle thicknes, or Excellent, Exceptional in Cut (Polish/Symmetry),
Y: "Y" or "YEL"=Yellow (in Fluorescence) © 1999-2000
Notice that our data-base is available to other dealers and the
entire inventory is sold on a 'First Come-First Serve' basis. Therefore, if
one of the diamonds on our lists is to your liking please let us know as soon
as you can. Diamonds of good shopping value have very short 'shelf-life' span!
In comparing prices you will find out that our diamond prices are most likely
to offer you the best quality/price ratio on the 'Net'. As a discriminating
diamond buyer you know that the easy promise to be the cheapest is really...
of no value to you at all... Make a brilliant choice. Choose the best value
for the price rather than the best price for no value. Shop your diamonds
from Van-Daaz. Quality diamonds only are our business--we are one of the Web's
first two diamond dealers in continuous service--on- line since 1995.
On rare occasions results retrieved by our "Diamond~Explorer"
may contain errors originating in material submitted electronically by
importers and manufacturers. In particular, Van- Daaz will bear no liability
to erroneously entered price information and will neither abide by nor proceed
to conclude deals based on such errors. Notice, however, that data-base errors
are most likely to be discovered prior to the conclusion of any purchase.
All material in all linked Van-Daaz documents is © 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999 2000 Van-Daaz. The labels Van-Daaz, @#1<><>! or @*<><>! or <><>R4U! or @<><>! or @#1 Diamonds! or @ Diamonds Diamond Explorer are all (TM) 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000